Wednesday 16 September 2009

Blogspot is ( quite ) different now

I've been vacuum on blogging world for...mmh..maybe for half a year? and during that period i didn't do anything with my blog(s) nor i opened my blogspot account.

It has some few changes :
  • In the frontpage of blogspot homepage, there's a pic of cake near the logo --> unimportant :hammer:
  • email notofication
  • There has been some new widget!
,to be exact, there maybe just one widget.. it is the search widget. But the old widget got some improvement. One thing i noticed was the label widget. Now we can make the tag/label cloud with ease! no need for third party web nor edit it with javascript


I don't really understand about email notification tough. But i'll find out soon. But you can read about the changes in the link i given above.

Btw, i just realized that before i can upload my picture, i must the new blogger/picasa ToS,, But i don't think i need to read it as i'm sure i won't do anything that may againts the policy like uploading nude pic or abusing the server.

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